Celebrating 100 years of the Missionary Sisters of St. Columban is one of the most significant milestones for me since I joined the Congregation…
God, for the Christian education of the poor
Blessed are You, loving Father,ruler of the universe:
The Korean War might have ended seventy years ago, but memories of the victims are still fresh. Amongst those who died was Columban priest, hero…
In Exodus 34: 8, Moses describes God as "a God of tenderness and compassion, slow to anger, rich
The mata ni vanua (herald) has an important place in Fijian culture.
“A Christian world and a world yet to be evangelized. That situation no longer exists.
We praise You, Father of all;we thank You for calling us to be Your people,
Most Holy and Immaculate Virgin,Help of the Christians, we place ourselves
Lord, give me the strength to pray today.