I started to write these two poems last year during a workshop training on poetry writing in my ministry with asylum seekers.
Past Magazine Stories
Below are stories from past issues of Columban Mission magazine. The Columban Fathers publish Columban Mission magazine eight times a year. Subscriptions are available for just $15 per year. Sign up to receive our next issue. Read more about Columban Mission magazine.
March/April 2017
"What do you know about Ireland?" I asked the third grade class that was excited to have just learnt that I was from there. "St.
March/April 2017
In my early days as a missionary in Fiji, I worked mainly among the Hindu Indo-Fijians around the town of Labasa.
March/April 2017
In the history of human life suffering is what every person will encounter in their lifetime.
March/April 2017
Ethnic Indian people are traditionally obsessed with matters of pollution and purity. Purity is a central value in the culture. The caste system in India is based on this…
March/April 2017
I still have vivid memories of my first awakening in Lima, Peru, on June 24, 1971.
February 2017
We all marvel at the deep and simple wisdom children hold in their hearts and on their lips.
February 2017
We were told that we would be spending about five days in Agoo (the Philippines).
February 2017
While at my age being the main celebrant at the Holy Week ceremonies can be very demanding on a worn out body, it is more than compensated by experiencing first hand the…
February 2017
Like the air we breathe, water is essential for our life and well-being. The average person here in the U.S. uses 80-100 gallons in a variety of ways throughout each day…
February 2017
In the not-too-distant past it was almost impossible to get governments and institutions to discuss immigration and immigrant issues.