There are times when God is near to us and helps us through the day
No matter what the obstacles, the worries, the cares on top of us
Past Magazine Stories
Below are stories from past issues of Columban Mission magazine. The Columban Fathers publish Columban Mission magazine eight times a year. Subscriptions are available for just $15 per year. Sign up to receive our next issue. Read more about Columban Mission magazine.
December 2016
December 2016
There is something about life on an island. The past number of years I’ve been blessed to spend three weeks on an island called Negros Oriental.
December 2016
On the night of December 16, 2011, a sendong or typhoon struck the northern coast of Mindanao, the main southern island of the Philippines.
December 2016
The tall elderly man leaning slightly on his cane, stands out among the people of the Andes.
December 2016
Aside from my parish involvement, one of the most memorable experiences that I had in Peru was my ministry in Manuel Duato, a special institution which provides basic…
November 2016
Over the course of nearly 100 years, Columban missionaries have been caught up in major wars and insurrections in the countries where we live and serve.
November 2016
I call this article “men of the road” because in all my years in Japan, only one woman came to me looking for a handout.
November 2016
That encounter inspired me to be more with the people with my true self. You don’t have to pretend because people would notice it.
November 2016
It would be a disservice to truth for me not to acknowledge that there have been and are serious challenges for religious and civil society in China from sections of the…
November 2016
St. Columban, a great Irish missionary monk, died in 615 A.D. in Bobbio, Italy. Columban missionaries (who have St.
November 2016
Going on mission to Hong Kong in 1976 was both an exciting adventure and a shock to the system.
November 2016
On a September morning in 2014, I arrived in Iquique in northern Chile on a flight from Santiago.