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Past Magazine Stories

Below are stories from past issues of Columban Mission magazine. The Columban Fathers publish Columban Mission magazine eight times a year. Subscriptions are available for just $15 per year. Sign up to receive our next issue. Read more about Columban Mission magazine.


October 2016

I met Bishop Jin about 25 years ago on my first visit to China and dined with him in his former residence next to the Cathedral.

October 2016

My pilgrimage in – indeed conversion to – interreligious dialogue started even before I learned the phrase interreligious dialogue.

October 2016

Each one of us will have our own memories of the events that touched and made an impression on us this year.

October 2016

It is said that history has a habit of repeating itself. This seems to be so in one particular case at least. In June 1920 when Columban Frs.

October 2016

Who stole away those golden leaves which recently had fallen from the trees
Decorating those tired and resting fields

October 2016

Each Monday at 7:00 p.m. in Seoul, Korea, believers come to celebrate the Eucharist in Kwang Hwa Mun Plaza in the center of Seoul.

August/September 2016

Earlier this year, two Columban Fathers—an Irish farmer by way of decades of mission in Pakistan and an Iowa farmer by way of decades of mission in Korea—and I visited…

August/September 2016

“I couldn’t manage without them.” That is a phrase one often hears in a discussion between the parish priests in Fiji, whether indigenous or foreign born.

August/September 2016

Columban missionary Fr. Tanvir O’Hanlon invited me to work with the Columbans for the promotion of mission in our local church.

August/September 2016

Since I joined the Columban lay mission program in 2000, I have learned three different languages: English, Filipino (Tagalog) and Spanish.

August/September 2016

Growing up in New York City, summers for me were times for relaxing, recreation and fun.