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Daily Prayer Archive

O God who lifts little lost lambs close to Your heart,
O God who gives the heart a desire to return to You,
I ask Your mercy and Your…

Jesus Christ a King of Glory has come in Peace.
God became man, and the Word was made flesh.
Christ was born of a Virgin.
Christ suffered…

Jesus, my Lord, let me go to Mary
when suffering threatens to overwhelm me.
Ask Your mother to stay with me
when I am afraid and tempted…

O Mary, most sweet Mother,
to Your intercession we have recourse,
knowing that Your Divine Son will hear Your prayers.

And you, O…

O God, who manifests to those in error
the light of Your truth that they may
return to the way of holiness,
grant that all who profess…

O God, through this paschal solemnity
You have bestowed upon the world
Your healing grace;
pursue Your people, we beseech You,

Heavenly Father and God of mercy,
we no longer look for Jesus among the dead,
for he is alive and has become the Lord of life.
From the…

O God, who makes this most holy night illustrious
by the glory of the resurrection of our Lord,
preserve in the new children of your family…

We remember today, the pain and suffering of the cross,
and all that Jesus was willing to endure for us.
He paid the price to offer us the…

O Lord Jesus, in order that the merits
of Your sacrifice on the Cross
might be applied to every soul of all time,
You willed that it…

O Lord Jesus Christ,
sublime model of all perfection,
You are urging onward all privileged souls
in their high aspiration towards the…

Lord, you are near to those
who are rejected and brokenhearted.
Give me the grace not to give up
when others insult me and tear me…

Jesus my Lord, let me strengthen my courage
by taking on the courage of all those people
who have been centurions for me.
Many have…

We praise you, O God,
for your redemption of the world through your Son.
He entered the holy city of Jerusalem in triumph
and was…