O patriarch Joseph, help me to work
with a pure intention
and with detachment from ourselves,
having always before my eyes
the hour of…
Daily Prayer Archive
Receive, O most sweet Mother,
our humble supplications,
and above all obtain for us that,
one day, happy with you,
we may repeat…
Blessed St. Joseph, guardian of the Holy Family,
be with us in our trials.
May your prayers obtain for us
the strength to flee from error…
Glorious Mother, you are the Immaculate One,
through you there shines the fullness of grace.
Here, then, are your children, gathered before…
Grant us, O Lord, that through the spiritual renewal of Lent,
we may grow in our understanding of the mystery of Christ.
This we ask of you…
Almighty Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
You have revealed the beauty of your power
by exalting the lowly virgin of Nazareth
and making…
Dearly beloved, let us,
having such a cloud of witnesses over us,
put away every encumbrance and sin entangling us,
and run with patience…
O well-beloved of God,
hear the ardent cry
which rises up from every heart.
Bend tenderly over our aching wounds.
Convert the wicked,…
Favor this dwelling, Lord, with your presence.
Far from it repulse all the wiles of Satan.
Your holy angels, let them live here,
to keep…
O Lord, repay us not according to the sins we have committed,
nor according to our iniquities.
O Lord, remember not our former iniquities,…
Blessed Joseph, husband of Mary,
be with us this day.
You protected and cherished the Virgin;
loving the Child Jesus as your Son,
Hail, Joseph, full of grace,
The Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among all men,
And blessed is your foster Child, Jesus.
Mercifully look down, we beseech You, O Lord,
upon the devotion of Your people
that they who are mortified in the flesh by abstinence,
May the Strength of God guide us.
May the Power of God preserve us.
May the Wisdom of God instruct us.
May the Hand of God protect us…