O God, Who founded Your Church
upon the most firm foundation of an apostolic rock
in order to deliver her from the dreadful powers of hell,…
Daily Prayer Archive
O Most Loving Jesus,
Who by Your ineffable virtues
and by the example of Your domestic life
consecrated the family You choose on earth;…
O God, for Whose honor the glorious bishop Stanislaus
fell under the swords of the wicked;
grant, we beseech You, that all who implore his…
Enlighten, O Lord Jesus, many generous souls
with the fiery glow of the Holy Spirit,
who is substantial and eternal love,
and by the…
Almighty and eternal God.
May your grace enkindle in all of us
a love for the many unfortunate people
whom poverty and misery
Hail Mary, White Lily of the Glorious
and always-serene Trinity.
Hail brilliant Rose of the Garden of heavenly delights:
O, you, by whom…
Imprint, O Lady, your wounds upon my heart,
that I may read therein sorrow and love;
sorrow, to endure every sorrow for you;
love, to…
Grant, we beg You, O Lord Jesus Christ,
that the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Your Mother,
whose most holy soul was transfixed with the sword…
O Mary, I earnestly desire to place my person
and my desire for holiness under
your maternal protection and inspiration
so that you may…
O God, who taught Adam the simple art of tilling the soil,
and who through Jesus Christ, the true vine,
revealed yourself the husbandman of…
Yes to you, Jesus
as you offer me your love;
as you letter my life with yourself;
as you encourage my transparency;
as you ask for my…
O most holy Saint Francis,
God gives wisdom to the simple
and makes the merest child wise.
Pray that He grants me this reward
Dear God, please find for me the things I’ve lost.
Find for me a heart of hope and of trust.
Find a love that runs silent and strong
Immaculate Heart of Mary
help us to conquer the menace of evil
which so easily takes root in the hearts of the people of today,
and whose…