Lord God,
you blessed Elizabeth Ann Seton with gifts of grace
as wife and mother,
educator and foundress,
so that she might spend her…
Daily Prayer Archive
Lord Jesus,
we humbly pray You to give us all a great reverence
and respect for Your most holy name.
Forgive us for ever having used the…
O God, grant us a deeper sense of fellowship with all living this,
our little brothers and sisters
to whom in common with us
you have…
O God, who through the fruitful virginity
of Blessed Mary bestowed on the human race
he grace of eternal salvation, grant, we pray,
Come, O Lord, to the help of Your people,
sustained by the intercession of Pope St. Sylvester,
so that, running the course of this present…
Lord, in this holy season of prayer, song and laughter,
we praise You for the great wonders You have sent us:
for shining star and angel's…
O most loving Jesus,
Who by Your beautiful virtues of humility,
obedience, poverty, modesty, charity, patience and gentleness,
and by the…
We remember today, O God, the slaughter
of the holy innocents of Bethlehem by King Herod.
Receive into the arms of Your mercy
Shed upon Your Church, O Lord,
the brightness of Your light, that we,
being illumined by the teaching of
Your apostle and evangelist…
We give You thanks, O Lord of glory,
for the example of the first martyr Stephen,
who looked up to heaven and prayed
for his…
Lord our God,
the heavens are the work of your hands,
the moon and the stars You made;
the earth and the sea,
and every living…
God of endless ages,
Father of all goodness,
we keep vigil for the dawn of salvation
and the birth of Your Son.
With gratitude we…
Lord, all things are possible with You.
As we wait for the joyous coming
of Your Son, help me to know my inner truth
of love and…
Lord, You are Emmanuel, “God with us.”
Open the eyes and ears of my heart
that I may see Your presence in every person I meet,