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Daily Prayer Archive

Who can worthily be present at this Sacrifice,
unless You, O God, makes him worthy?
I know, O Lord, that I am unworthy to approach so great…

Heavenly Father, God of joy and cheer,
we thank you for Your servant, Nicholas.
In loving the poor, he showed us Your kindness;
in caring…

My Queen! my Mother!
I give you all myself, and,
to show my devotion to you,
I consecrate to you my eyes,
my ears, my mouth, my heart…

O eternal Father,
rouse our hearts out of the sleep of sin,
so that we may clear the path of Your Son into our souls.
Each year at Advent…

O God, our creator,
inspired by the example of St. Francis,
we pray to you for the courage to be missionaries,
reaching out and leading…

Jesus, our Lord, save me from my sins.
Come, protect me from all dangers and lead me to salvation.

Come! Wisdom of our God Most High,…

Lord, give me the courage to disarm my heart
from the feelings of anger, resentment and revenge
that foster so much pain and division in…

Brother of Simon Peter,
you heard John the Baptist say:
"Behold the Lamb of God,"
and you chose to follow Jesus.
Leaving your nets,…

As a little child,
I loved you like a mother.
Now that I am old,
my love for you has grown.
Receive me in heaven
as one of the…

Father all-powerful,
Your gifts of love are countless
and Your goodness infinite.
On Thanksgiving Day we come before You

O Mary, today we wish to entrust to you the future that awaits us,
and we ask you to be with us on our way.
We are the men and women of an…

Almighty God, my Eternal Father,
from the fullness of my soul I adore You.
I am deeply grateful that You have made me
in Your image and…

O God, Who on the top of Mount Sinai
gave the Law to Moses,
and by means of Your holy Angels,
wondrously convey the body of blessed…

We beg you, Master,
be our help and strength.
Save those among us who are oppressed,
have pity on the lowly,
and lift up the fallen.…