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Daily Prayer Archive

O blessed Columban,
help and protect the missionaries of our day
who have devoted their lives to preaching
the Gospel throughout the…

Dear Saint Cecilia,
one thing we know for certain about you
is that you became a heroic martyr
in fidelity to your Divine Bridegroom.…

Remember, O most loving Virgin Mary,
that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection,
implored your help, or sought your…

O most sacred Virgin Mary,
O Queen of Angels, how beautiful,
accomplished, and perfect, has Heaven made you!
O that I could appear to God…

O Mother, here we stand before you
to entrust to your maternal care
ourselves, the Church, the entire world.
Plead for us with your…

Gracious God,
You filled the heart of Philippine Duchesne
with charity and missionary zeal,
and gave her the desire
to make You known…

I have broken out of my prison
... but I am still not free.

I have been comforted in weakness
... yet I have too little strength.…

I salute you through the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
all you holy angels and saints of God.
I rejoice in your glory,
and I give thanks to our…

God, You made St. Albert great
by enabling him to combine human wisdom and Divine Faith.
Help us so to adhere to his teaching
that we may…

In this year of grace, countless people have known
the overflowing joy of the mercy
which the Father has given us in Christ.
In the…

Almighty and Eternal Father,
Giver of all gifts,
show us Your mercy,
and grant, we beseech You,
through the merits of Your…

Stir up within Your Church, we beseech You, O Lord,
the Spirit with which blessed Josaphat,
Your Martyr and Bishop, was filled,
when he…

Lord, if Your people still have need of my services,
I will not avoid the toil.
Your will be done.
I have fought the good fight long…

Blessed Mother,
Saint Augustine, the bright light of doctors, contemplated you,
and you appeared to him so fair and beautiful,
that he…