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Daily Prayer Archive

Everliving God, who strengthened
Your apostle Thomas with firm and certain
faith in Your Son’s resurrection:
Grant us so perfectly and…

Every generous act of giving
and every perfect gift are from above.
They come down from You, dear Father of Light.
You give birth to us…

Lord, during this Advent season,
I give thanks and praise to You for the gift of life.
Teach me to be grateful for all that I experience…

O God, help me to be a better person.
Make me prudent in my undertakings,
courageous in dangers, patient in afflictions,
and humble in…

O God,You brought Your Son, Jesus
into this world to teach us
the power of love and sacrifice.
Bless our tree
as a symbol of our…

O Mary, I wish I could see how
you used to behave toward father and mother,
especially toward St. Anne;
and then how you behaved toward…

Lord, You are the source
of my strength, peace and joy.
Send Your Spirit to renew
my trust and hope in You
and give me peace in my…

O blessed Jesus,
give me stillness of soul in You.
Let Your mighty calmness reign in me.
Rule me, O King of Gentleness, King of Peace.…

O God, our Creator and Redeemer,
Mercifully hear our prayers as we venerate Your servant, St. Lucy,
for the light of faith You bestowed upon…

O Virgin of Guadalupe,
Mother of the Americas,
grant to our homes the grace of loving
and respecting life with the same love

Dear God, all over the world now,
the children of Holy Mother Church are singing:
"Send down dew from above, you heavens,
and let the…

Come, Emmanuel, God's presence among us, our King, our Judge:
save us, Lord our God!

Come, King of all nations,
source of Your Church…

We praise You, Lord,
in this daughter of Israel, who sang the songs of David,
who knew the deeds of Judith,
and held in her heart the…

Lord, You are always patient with me
and do great things for me.
Teach me to be more patient in my life
and grateful for all that has…